Marketing Development Programme

We know breaking into the marketing industry is tough. It’s especially tough for those from underrepresented groups who often feel overlooked.

That’s why we’ve worked with the Data and Marketing Association to build a programme to help 18 – 25 year olds from these groups to stand out and be seen. It gives them access to accredited learning, career guidance and support.

The programme can run up to three years, and provides a structured way for you to gain the knowledge and skills that matter to you and your career. The DMA will tailor your learning to your career goals so you’re only studying topics that are relevant to the career path you want to take. Your goal could be to get your first marketing position, to start your own business, or to help you progress in your current role.

You’ll benefit from:

  • A choice from 250 bite-size learning modules and 10 marketing qualifications

You’ll gain professional qualifications that you can add to your CV. These are all accredited by the Institute of Data and Marketing (IDM) and recognised across the industry, making you stand out.

  • Annual sessions with a learning advisor dedicated to the programme

They’ll help you develop your learning plan for the year ahead, working with you to select the modules and qualifications you should complete that will best help you get to where you want to be.

  • Regular reviews with you’re the programme manager

These are here to ensure you are on the right track, and if your learning plan needs to change if your career goals do.

  • Regular updates on your progress and a support helpline

DMA will be there every step of the way, providing all the support we can to help you meet your career goals.

  • CPD points

These highlight to employers that you have the most up-to-date skills.

  • Additional DMA content including events and webinars

These are where top industry professionals from across the industry talk about the latest insights and trends in their specialisms, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions you have.

  • Access to a mentor from the marketing industry

One-to-one career advice from an experienced professional, equipping you with the knowledge you need to break into your dream career.

You can complete your learning from anywhere at any time. It’s accessible through an always on online learning hub. You’re required to complete a minimum of 8 hours of learning each month.

The Marketing Skills trust is supporting 50 places in 2024. To take part, you must be aged 18 – 25, be unemployed or in the first three years of your career, not be a university graduate or student, and identify as being in one or more of the under-represented groups that we have identified:

  • Non-white ethnic groups

  • Neurodivergent individuals

  • Those with disabilities

  • Individuals from low-income households

So, if you’re serious about a career in marketing, you’re committed to learning, and tick the eligibility points listed above, complete our application form here.

If you have any questions, please email Andrew on


Zara Easton