Applying for Grants.

The Marketing Skills Trust is a charitable organisation that distributes funds in support of projects and activities contributing to build the skills of people who want to develop a career in marketing. It accepts applications from organisations that can demonstrate a clear commitment to building marketing skills in people who need it most.

  • A bid process has been established to ensure fair and transparent assessment against agreed criteria. Bids need to be supported by clear rationale and a business case outlining the project’s specific benefit to the individuals receiving education or training. Applicants could come from commercial, educational, or not for profit sectors. The over-riding criteria is to demonstrate that projects will help people who need help most. If we grant bursary funds, we expect these to be used for course expenses and not for subsistence. All grants are awarded to an organisation/institution and not an individual.

  • The Marketing Skills Trust Board monitors the progress of projects through regular reviews with fund recipients. Completed projects are evaluated and part of the evaluation will be an impact assessment to understand how these projects can change lives and build careers.

Guidance Notes.

The Marketing Skills Trust has been established to generate benefit for the whole of the marketing industry. The main function of the Trust is to raise and distribute funds in support of projects and activities which will contribute to the future growth and governance of the marketing sector.

  • Applications will be accepted from organisations and groups of individuals. To be successful, projects need to concern marketing techniques, help provide insight into the impact of marketing or contribute to the governance of the sector.

  • There is no limit to how much an applicant can request, however, the Trust suggests that applicants seeking funding of larger amounts should always be able to show evidence of match funding for their project.

  • The Marketing Skills Trust will assess bids for funds four times per year.

    The following factors will be among those taken into account when applications are assessed:

    Does the bid demonstrate real benefit to the future growth/stability of the marketing marketplace?

    Does it increase insight into marketing effectiveness (either overall or for a specific channel)?

    Are the funds required matched by external contribution (from commerce; government grants; trade associations or other trusts)?

    Are there clear milestones and a full action plan to deliver project outcomes?

    Do the outcomes provide evidence of the real contribution to the economy from marketing?

  • Applications will only be considered if they are submitted using the application form.

    Applications which are incomplete will not be considered.

    The decisions of The Marketing Skills Trust regarding whether to award funds will be final.

    Applicants will be notified whether they have been successful within 14 days of the Trust’s decision.

    General feedback on the decisions made will be published but individual feedback will not be available.

    Funding will be subject to the applicant organisation signing a Grant Agreement outlining what the funds may be used for.

    After the completed Grant Agreement has been returned the funding will be transferred by BACS.

    The Marketing Skills Trust may decide that funds will be released over the period of a project.

    The Marketing Skills Trust will publicise the successful applicants, the nature of the project and the amount of funds made available.

    Successful applicants may undertake their own publicity about the grant.

  • Successful applicants for funds will be required to complete a report of project progress.

  • This list is intended to provide prospective applicants with information about projects/expenses that are not regarded by The Marketing Skills Trust as appropriate for funding.

    Contribution to the commercial success of individual organisations or groups of companies.

    Contribution to organisational overheads or direct employment costs.

    Payment of consultancy fees to benefit individual organisations.

    Contribution to travel expenses except as outlined in a project plan.

    Entertainment expenses.

    Direct grants by the applicant to other organisations.

    Advertising or marketing expenses connected with the project.