Support us

Help us make a difference.

The Marketing Skills Trust is a charitable organisation and is financially independent. It has been set up with gifts and legacies as well as actively fundraising in the marketing community to ensure that we can continue to support suitable projects.

The main function of the Marketing Skills Trust is to distribute funds to support projects and programmes which contribute to the development of marketing skills among people who need that help most.

People we help come in all shapes and sizes. They could be school leavers looking for a job in marketing, apprentices building up practical marketing skills, university students studying for a marketing qualification or junior marketers looking to develop their skills. There is no prescribed list. 

There are always more projects that require support and we are looking for additional gifts to support our mission. 

If you would like more information about our activities or you would like to support us please get in touch at

“Help can come in many forms - for example, during the pandemic, we were able to help over 300 people who had been furloughed or had lost their jobs to retrain and gain new skills.