Annual General Meeting

Google HQ, Central St Giles

Fabulous evening briefing on all the latest news from the Marketing Skills Trust hosted by the lovely folk from Google.

All the trustees attended plus a wonderful array of the great and good from the industry.

Anne Gowan formerly stepped down as a Trustee after supporting the Trust in its various guises for over 10 years making a wonderful contribution to the industry. Polly Jones who is currently Head of Digital at Odeon Cinemas and has a stellar career both agency and client side was voted in as a new Trustee.

Anne Gowan - Standing down as trustee with our thanks

Grants for more activity by the DMA and new project for the Brixton Finishing Academy were also confirmed of which more details will follow in a separate release. An update was also given by Ritchie Mehta on the activity supported by the Trust for the educational and entertaining Podcast ‘The Places We’ll Go Show’ and their incredibly popular mentoring scheme was also given.

All in all an informative and convivial social event.


Zara Easton


Creative Data Academy